The recent buzz all over news on the allegedly leakage of secret recipe confirming coca-cola(coke) containing alcohol had caused a large portion of people screaming all over the web, frantically call for the boycott of coke. If that's not all, it was said that the main culprit of the entire event of blending this mixture of booze in the coke was allegedly being pointed to the Israelites and US. However, pathetically those who claimed as such merely linking their article with those from 'The American Life' without committing themselves of further research.
I do not care whether they conduct a rally or boycott or whatever against coke. Carbonated drink, is, as a matter of facts contain a lot of sugar. In fact, it would be even better if the boycott to be extended to all carbonated drink without any bias including all manufacturer brand, even Zam-Zam cola or Radix cola.
To clarify this matter, I would like to explain chronology of the establishment of coke company. Hopefully, misunderstanding is to be avoided. Whatever that we voice should be of truth, those who doubt my fact please conduct your own research.
Before we learn the chronology of coke company, one must remember, coke company was built on the trade secret. Trade secret are secret that is kept in the company so is to avoid it from being stolen by others. Stealing of other's recipe dated back until 1900's when numerous companies established in USA. One of those companies is Coca-Cola.
Initially, the producer of 'The American Life' radio station discovered the secret recipe of coke from a local newspaper 'Atlanta Journal Constitution'. This article dated back in 1979. The producer claimed the handwriting was that of Dr John Pemberton. Pemberton is the person who created coke drink. He is veteran, due to injury suffered by him, he created drinks to overcome his 'immense addiction of cocaine'.
This original article is written by Charles Salter. He claimed his sources is a pharmacist who said to be the friend of Pemberton. This recipe was written in a notebook, which is his fortune being passed in his family.
However, there is a fatal flaw in the argument, which we will discover as we learn the history of coke companies.
Coke was initially a drink created for medication purpose. However, this drink is far from an actual medication, coke was a combo of cocaine and alcohol. This cocktail was known as Pemberton's French Wine Coca. At that time, coca wine was the most popular beverage. Ahead of the list is Vin Mariani. Coke in particular was popular within USA. Initially, Pemberton sold coke from his pharmacy. His highest sales were between 1049 gallon, which is estimably about 3000-4000 liters. His associate, working with him, Frank Mason Robinson. He work as secretary and bookkeeper for Pemberton Chemical Company. Frank Mason are the person who gave the name coca-cola and the person who wrote it in the well known Spencerian script style.
However, in 1886, alcohol is prohibited in Georgia, Atlanta. Bear in mind, although historically it is claimed alcohol prohibition in US is around 1920, there are several states implement it far earlier. Other states, such as Massachusetts implement far earlier in 1657. This force Pemberton to alter his recipe using non-alcoholic syrups substitute.
By the end of 1888, Pemberton sold his recipe to Asa G Candler for $ 2300. By this time, coca-cola was no longer a sole proprietary. Candler bought coke recipe with his share holder. Pemberton later died in 1888 leaving a son, Charles Ney Pemberton and small fortune from his initial success of coca wine.
Candler who bought the recipe was a well known real estate developer and banker. However, most important of all, he is a drugstore owner and manufacturer of patented medicine.
Upon receiving the recipe, Candler made several changes to the recipe one of the changes as I believed is to take out cocaine from the cocktail. As I mentioned earlier, in those days, drug addiction is a serious issues, Pemberton himself was allegedly claimed his drink is to soothe his immense addiction. By 1904, moral panic on drug abuse gathered by America's forced manufacturer to remove cocaine from coca-cola. Although it is believed coca leaf still remained as the ingredient. (At this point, some traditionalist believed coke has lost his glory)
Apart from the pressure, Candler also made changes so that his coke drink taste better, have longer shelf life (perhaps the intention to bottle coke) and most important of all so that his coke is unique than other in the market. Bear in mind he is a drugstore owner who is familiar with the concept of patent. However, in contrary he never patented coke, instead it remained as a trade secret. This is in fact an evidence of Candler brilliance, by doing so he ensured that coke cannot be reproduced as generic coke by other manufacturer.
Frank Mason who is mentioned earlier was part of this new coke companies and remained as one of it's director and work vigorously for it's commercialization and later retired in 1914 and died in 1923.
From this chronology, it is important to note, the recipe which is described by 'The American Life' is cannot be of Candler who is experienced in patent and choose to kept the recipe as trade secret (the whereabout of the trade secret will be discussed later).
Frank Mason joined as part of Candler companies, hence no secret leaks there. Charles Ney Pamberton, sons of John Pamberton, if to be allegedly having the secret recipe could not have obtained recipe which is later altered by Candler. The only recipe he might have is of his father.
So, the question is where are the recipe. The recipe was actually written down by Candler. This recipe is stored and well kept in the vault of a bank - SunTrust Bank.
SunTrust bank was established in atlanta back in 1891, same birthplace as coke companies and have a good relationship with coke companies. As a matter of fact, SunTrust bank underwrite the initial public offering of coke companies in 1919.
By right, this history proved coke recipe is yet unavailable in the market. Secondly, the alleged evidence of the use of alcohol could not be proven unless any of the people who had access to the bank vault (coke co. rep.) or sitting on the top echelon of coke companies revealed it. Third, the only way as I deemed as possible to reveal the truth of whether alcohol is contained in coke is via the use of chemical knowledge - Ex: The use of chromatography. Since people lie, chromatography machine don't. However, this might not provide clear evident since some ingredient might be alcoholic in nature, and if this ingredient is part of alcohol recipe it might screw up - Ex: vanilla extract.
In the end, the choice whether to boycott or to not coke is in your hand. However, the claim that the recipe has been revealed containing clear cut evidence of alcohol use is without a doubt prospoterous.